Start your own business
Being accepted into a partnership with International Paramedic College overcomes many of the normal barriers to establishing a viable business for yourself.
While the profitability of a first aid business depends to a large degree on the personality, business acumen and professional teaching skills and attitudes individual , having the IPC system of mentoring and support will help you navigate the common pitfalls and traps that make a small business in Australia not succeed in the first 3 years when others do.
At IPC we want our partnerships to succeed and stay so we start out like we mean to continue. We consider the following successful partnership strategies make for lasting and beneficial alliances
ABN: 11 608 508 292 ACN: 608 508 292
Copyright © 2016 International Paramedic College. Partners and Contractors in Training with International Paramedic College Pty Ltd, RTO 45284 A.B.N.11608508292